Mesothelioma Treatment
What is mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is a form of lung cancer that is almost always caused by asbestos exposure and is most
commonly found in the outer lining of the lungs called Mesothelium. The majority of people who develop mesothelioma contract this cancer through breathing in asbestos fibers or being exposed to asbestos dust while at work. When mesothelioma occurs in the face of no previous occupational exposure, summized, that exposure can result from asbestos fibers found on clothing of someone in their home who worked in an area where asbestos dust was found.
There are several reasons that make the diagnosis of mesothelioma in its early stages is extremely difficult. Symptoms of mesothelioma may have a latency period of about 20 to 50 years after initial contact asbestos, which means by the time symptoms begin to appear, the cancer is already in its advanced stage. Once symptoms are present, the diagnosis is still not a quick process. There are many diseases that mirror the symptoms that are found in mesothelioma patients and because mesothelioma is often the last stop - usually without memories of the patient for the possibility of previous exposure to asbestos.
The success of treatment for mesothelioma depends on the stage where the cancer is located. Since it is established that the mesothelioma was not detected until advanced stages, mesothelioma treatment is often referred to as "unsuccessful." Studies show that when found in either the first or second degree, treatment for mesothelioma - usually combination of radiation and chemotherapy - is successful in extending the patient's life for five years at the rate of 74.6% (Wikipedia). There are alternative forms of treatment that can be used in conjunction with conventional treatments that have been shown on occasion to reduce the amount of mesothelioma found in the patient.
Asbestos was used for many years in a wide range of household and industrial products, due to the many types and uses. It is fireproof and can be used as an insulator, thus becoming very popular during the Industrial Revolution. It is not known whether people are aware of the dangers of asbestos fibers at the time, but by 1900'i risk of asbestos became clearer. People who live in mining towns will develop lung problems, and general studies show that asbestos workers died at an early age.
Asbestos in undisturbed condition does not appear to pose a threat. However, once it is damaged or brittle, the fibers are able to be taken in this way could lead to these or other health problems. Although some companies are aware of this danger, they continue to work with products containing asbestos, without regard to their employees. These are blatant injustices reason for the popularity of mesothelioma in the area of litigation.
Mesothelioma is a cancer that develops from cells in the mesoderm of the pleura, pericardium or peritoneum. Therefore Mesothelioma can be of two types: pleural and peritoneal.
More common is for men. Incidence in Bulgaria near 0.2% 0.4%.
Mesothelioma is divided into two large groups:
secondary - or metastatic tumors - cancer of the lungs, mediastinum, breast;
The main etiological cause of mesothelioma is in industrial environment (asbestos). This fact is confirmed historically - in the past, to know that asbestos causes malignant degeneration was widespread in industry. For employees working in such an environment, mesothelioma has met more often. Another factor demonstrating asbestos as the main culprit for developing mesothelioma is asbestos histological evidence of cells in the tumor itself. It is developing mesothelioma 20 years after exposure to asbestos.
Other etiologic factors for mesothelioma are:
chronic pleural irritation;
chronic suppurative processes in the pleura;
Mesothelioma has two forms: localized and diffuse.
Local forms evolve more slowly, do not infiltrate surrounding structures do not metastasize. In general, local forms the character of a benign tumor. Diffuse forms of malignant course. They will grow into surrounding organs and tissues - include pericardium, diaphragm. Histoligichno diffuse mesotheliomas are three forms:
The most common option is the epithelium. Mesothelioma metastasize in lymph channels and blood, but mostly lymph. A blood can metastasize to the lungs, kidneys, heart, brain and liver.
Clinical picture:
The main symptoms of mesothelioma are:
pain at the site where it has developed malignancies;
shortness of breath;
persistent cough;
swollen face;
loss of appetite or weight;
Mesothelioma difficult to diagnose because its clinical picture is similar to that of many other diseases. Are made:
transthoracic echocardiography;
pleural puncture;
transthoracic biopsy;
Treatment of mesothelioma is mainly operational - radically remove the tumor. Apply radiotherapy.
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